Universe has your back.


Let me start with blog entry as direct as it can.

No customary hello, explanations on a long absence, dwelling into why the absence, Hoping into being more regular.

I just want to tell myself and to you all, Rise and Shine. The universe has your back.

Don’t doubt. Don’t fear. Just do it. It will happen. There will be obstacles, there will be challenges. But if you will do it anyway, it will happen. The whole universe will help you.

If there is a thought, a business idea, a different career option, a future plan, a dream, an aspiration that repeatedly comes to your mind, beware. It is a sign from the universe, its achievable. You have already done the hardest things about it, imagine you doing/achieving/living the same. If you can dream it, you can do it. So, Just do. Achieve. Shine.

There is one quote that has stuck with me with its pure genius and inspiration.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

― Marianne WilliamsonA Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

It’s so true. Lets be the best versions of ourselves. Let’s just do what we have always dreamt of. Lets achieve what we aspire for. There are millions of people doing millions of things achieving their own aims and aspirations, so why not you? Forget about everyone and everything. Just aim and hit. And you shall reach that place. It may take time, it may not. Sometimes its just one step from you, sometimes it’s a along journey. Whatever it may be, do it with your heart and soul. Half-heartedly is not enough. It will not serve any purpose. Keep that dream to your heart, work towards it, achieve and move on.

Let’s let our own light shine.

Stop Overthinking


The above title is for myself.

Yes, as direct as it can be.  I need to stop overthinking. There I said it, We. Yes, my dears, I am  the victim or victimiser of this monster. I am the martyr and the murderer of this sin.

Victim because I get in the loops of thinking, overthinking, analysing, over analysis, thinking of alternate options, over thinking the alternatives, feeling for each of them, feeling for myself, feeling for the others in the “plot”, feeling bad, depressed, frustrated, confused…blahh blaahh blaaahhhhh bbbllllllllaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I guess, rest is pretty clear. Sometimes I even loose the track of the originating thought/situation/remark/action.

Victimiser because then the sweet aroma of my thinking churning reaches the core of people around me. The reactions of the thinking and the continuing cycle of analysis and …..What not start coming of my words and actions. The overthinking makes me phase out from the current situation, thus all the good things happening around, good or small, is lost. The analysis and the over doing of it make it even eviler. The frustration and confusion makes me say things or do stuff which a sane person should not be doing. What’s make it even worse is the people or the things that gets affected the most are the closest and the most non deserving.


Anyways after having one such pretty session of overflowing thinking juices and the subsequent “not so pleasant” aftermaths, I come to realise the following:

  • You really can’t keep on getting into the things you can’t control.
  • With a sane mind, it is very much possible to pick-out things that can be controlled and to start doing something about them.
  • It is exhausting – mentally and physically
  • Nothing is worth the damage it causes
  • In this trap, one loses the track of the good things happening around
  • Let’s not test the patience of the non-deserving victims of your creative “thinking”
  • It’s quite a waste of time and energy.

Here what my action points to combat this evil habit.

  1. Control it

Stop being the victim, take control of your situation. Take control. Take charge. Stop expecting. Stop making yourself feel anything less than a shining star. Sometimes things happen your way, think of it happening god’s way. Its better.


  1. Escape it

Whenever you feel you are falling in the trap again, escape it. Go for a walk, go to another room. Talk to some body else about something completely different. Listen to music. Sing. Dance. Laugh. Read. Go to washroom. (That’s my way. Apparently research have shown a person is completely relaxed while in washroom since you are completely alone and hence completely yourself)


  1. Flush it out.

Take it out of your system. Call your best friend, mother, husband or who ever you can talk to. Tell them about the situation. Juts tell them, don’t analyse, blame or try to fix it. Just talk about it. Better, try to laugh about it. Flush it, flush it hard out of your system. Ahhh…feel light.


  1. Dismiss it

Think of your priorities, your ambitions, your vision. Make it look insignificant in your journey. Go for higher aims and dismiss it as a stupid small thing that doesn’t have any effect on you. And it will actually not.


  1. Accept it

This is for things that are out of your control. Accept it and move on. Yes, please move on, Move to the next concern that you need to take care of. Few things can be left unresolved. World will not sink because of them. Move on. Move ahead. Let it be.


Wish me luck. J


Lots of Sunshine


Little Sunshine.

I am Back…:)

I am back…Ji-am-back

Almost forgot the name of my own blog.

When I finally landed on the home page, I saw the date on the last blog post.

June 5th. 2015 . Last year.

Gosh, more than one year since I wrote anything. And now when I am, I am in a completely different world. Lots and lots of changes. One roller-coaster of a ride it had been. It all lasted around the same time when the last blog was written. It won’t be wrong if I say this have been the most different year that I have lived the most in my 30 years stint with life. The most special, for sure.

I am an upgraded version of myself right now. Little sunshine Version 1.2. Upgraded with lots of strength, energy, grit and determination. Updated with new priorities, better perspective and focussed approach towards life. Filled with lots of love and care. Now with loads of patience for few things and a lot less patience for few others. Renewed multi-tasking abilities with a much much longer list of to-do’s.

Phewwww….. Never realised the amount of change I have gone through on last one year. May be because this time, everything was effortless. It came to me flowing, without any force- external or internal.

Anyways, since I am brimming with my new found wisdom, I guess I will be more regular with the posts here.

As it works for me, I need write it to understand it better.

Hopefully I am able to do that.

Wish me luck J


Lots of Love

Little Sunshine.




Coming out of the Comfort Zone  


We all wish a lot. We want a lot of things. We think we deserve a lot. We see wonderful things happening to others and complain why this is not happening to us. We find ourselves in testing times and we think why is this happening to us. We want a change, but don’t change. We want something different but we stick to routine. We aspire big but sometimes without even realising think really small. Lots get checked out in our to-do list everyday still the main things keep hanging around there. How many of us actually go that extra mile to achieve what we actually want. Do we make that extra effort to get that thing that we have always wanted?

Have you guys also felt the same? I have. Many times.

Ever thought why is that?

It’s all about the fluffy, known, reliable, safe cushion that we love holding tight to ourselves – our comfort zone.

Comfort Zone, according to Wikipedia, is a psychological state in which a person feels familiar, at ease, in control and experiences low anxiety and stress. In the zone a steady level of performance is possible.

Bardwick defines the term as “a behavioral state where a person operates in an anxiety-neutral position. Brown describes it as “Where our uncertainty, scarcity and vulnerability are minimized — where we believe we’ll have access to enough love, food, talent, time, admiration. Where we feel we have some control.”

Staying within our comfort zone is not a bad thing per se. It can be a place where you recharge and regain your energy. Laying on your couch and watching a movie once in a while is a pretty nice thing. Having somebody who tells you what to do and you just do a certain task without much thinking, is also a very comforting thought sometimes. Though within your comfort zone, not much more than this will happen. Within your comfort zone you won’t learn new things, experiences something exciting or make the next big step in your career. Only when you get out of your comfort zone you start to grow.

The problem is that most people let the fear of rejection get the best of them. There are a lot of things we would really like to do or that we really should do, but since they are out of our comfort zone we will never get around to doing them. Towards the end of our comfort zone the feeling of nervousness or anxiety can become so strong that most of us surrender to this feeling and don’t talk to this important investor, stop the beautiful girl or go to that party where we don’t know anybody. So if you want to experience crazy shit, feel strong emotions, grow personally and step up your career you better start stepping out of your comfort zone.

It, to me, is our auto-pilot mode.

I guess not a great state to be in , as humans.

Lets break out of it.

Lets take stand where one feels strongly.

Lets talk what ones believe in

Lets take that extra step to achieve what you always wanted.

Lets just do it.

Remember, You can do it.

Here’s what inspired me to write this post.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

― Marianne WilliamsonA Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine.

True Living


It’s so easy to live a life flowing around with the surroundings, adjusting with the situations, fitting in the expectations and witnessing the time of your life flow away, right in front of you. With you being just a spectator and not true participant or rather the driver of your time.

Seriously, just imagine how our usual days are? I will imagine me in one of my usual one. Mornings start frantically with bliss full, half done sleep interrupted by alarm, noise of utensils from the kitchen outside announcing the activity is up in the house or by kinking of the keys of doors getting opened to let in one another day come into our lives. One jump after a series of snoozes and bang I am on my toes to get prepared for the day. Food cooked, packed, bathed, breakfast done I head to office. Usual drive with hubby to my office is one of the high points of the day. Few updates shared, jokes made, complaints registered – all done looking at the watch whose needles moves so fast contrary to the traffic outside.

That swipe done on time (in some rarest occasions, before time) is another high point. Then the day goes whishing like a supersonic train. Review / Planning/Implementation Meetings running for hours making you forget what was it for actually, some mindless social networking (I mean that fake networking when you are socially investigating others in your network… well remind me that requires a whole post, maybe someday I will), some ticked off the to do list, many more added, some laughter/gossip/ranting with colleagues, some food and countless cups of tea / coffee. There, the day is gone. I rush to home. Food cooked, served, eaten. Some updates shared, laughter, entertainment (random television viewing), some time with my little nephew-another high point and then day ends with going through the facebook accounts of random people , some liked videos – far away from sleep lying on the same bed which will be so difficult to leave the coming morning.

Today started no different. Its just amidst the random activity, I just felt the urge to break this shallow routine. This time what helped the most was that I didn’t start thinking how to do it, how to get started; I just stood up from my desk, passed by the series of cubicles with people glued to the screens and phones and found my way out of the office. After stepping out of the office, I decided to go for a walk. Now, its june – peak summers. And for starters, summers in NCR is very harsh. And the idea of taking a walk at noon in this weather would have ‘normally’ come in my mind. But today it did. I swiftly moved ahead taking the different route moving out of the building. I walk passed two buildings experimenting with the ways, moving in shade, not looking at people passing by, not thinking about where I am going. I didn’t feel the heat. I just walked and thought of What do I want? I kept asking and answering myself. Answers astonished me. None of my wants were unachievable. None of them were undoable. It was just waiting for being asked. And acknowledged. Something triggered in me.

I headed towards my building. Took lift to my floor, went inside the office and then the washroom. I saw myself smiling in the mirror. I washed my face with cold water, came out and went to my desk and started writing this.

What you I want?

  • I want to write – blog / forums / freelance and someday write a book of mine.
  • I want to be in a better earning job
  • I want to exercise – be healthy, active, eat healthy.
  • I want to be myself –not the replica of the model person I am expected to be.
  • I want to be independent – emotionally, financially, practically – improve my driving skills, drive my own vehicle.
  • I want to be with kids – lots of them, few of them should be mine.
  • I want to do something for the kids – lots of ideas I have, will definitely do something in future.
  • I want to travel – the whole world. Experience different cultures, eat their cuisines, wear their clothes, and experience their lives.
  • I want to start my own magazine.
  • I want to do a short government stint – some special project.
  • I want to keep on experimenting with my looks, wardrobe.
  • I want to be in touch with myself – all the time.

I will do all of that, I promise.


Little Sunshine

Day 8 Life’s Little Joys


The ones that makes you smile during a mundane days. The one that makes every toil, every struggle, and every unpleasant unwanted thing in your life fade away. It gives meaning to everything. It boosts energy in you. It calms you. It makes you feel, Life is actually good.

Cherish those. Enjoy those. Hold the person/thing/hobby close. That’s a blessing. That’s true living. Nothing else really matter. All these little joys will make the life worthwhile.  Those are the moments that you will remember, everything else will vanish. Those will stay.

For me, life little joys comes when

  • I see my husband first thing every morning, the calmness and honesty of his face make my day.
  • The smile in my nephew’s face when I come back from work every evening
  • My mum’s voice – The hello / Hanji Beta
  • My dad’s way of greeting me which have not changed a bit from last so many years-still thinks I am his little doll (which I am and will always be)
  • The blessing of my parent’s in laws when I greet them every morning
  • The childhood coming flushing back everytime I talk to my brothers.
  • Little drive me and my husband have while he drives me to my office, every day. Sometime we don’t even talk, still I truly look forward for those 20-25 mins every day.
  • When I see my husband coming back from work every day.
  • Hearing my favourite songs on radio.
  • A wonderful work done/executed/planned and delivered at work
  • When I am connected to myself

What about you?

Do share.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 7 Living fearlessly


Today I have just one quote to share that perfectly summarizes what I want to say

It’s an enlightening quote by Marianne Williamson is a spiritual activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance,

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

Lets be fearless. Lets live fully.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 6 Nothing is impossible


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Ralph Waldo

Really. Nothing is impossible. I truly believe in that. Whatever you want in life is within your capability. It’s just the matter of time, effort and perseverance.  Just make that target list and start working on the same.

  • Aim High
  • Refuse to complain and grumble
  • Do not worry
  • Do not fear
  • Work towards your goal everyday.
  • Work hard. Plan well. Utilize all your resources,
  • Work with the right attitude,
  • Do not be cowed down by defeat.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Never give up.
  • Hope for the best.
  • Never stop doing good.

Lets take a pledge

I am a winner against all odds.

I believe in myself and my potential.

I believe in doing my best.

I believe in the goodness of people around me.

I believe in the future, as much as I believe in the present and I am prepared for it.

Impossible is nothing!

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 5 Keep in touch with yourself


Life is constantly changing and we humans are forever vulnerable to these changes. One day you have everything, the second day, you may not.  Some days are good, inked forever in your memory. Some days you just want to erase from your life. Some people come to our life and change it for better. Some people come and you have never the Life is a chaos. It’s unpredictable. It’s changing every moment. In all of this, let’s not lose touch. With our own self.

Let’s take out time from our ever busy life and rethink on where it is going.

Lets think

  • What kind of a person I am currently?
  • What kind of a person I want to be?
  • Where am I right now? Personally? Professionally? Emotionally?
  • Where do I want to be? Personally? Professionally? Emotionally?
  • What are my dominant feelings currently?
  • Why?
  • Am I Happy?
  • Am I at peace?
  • How are people around me doing? My family? My Friends? My co-workers?
  • What can I do for them?
  • What do I want from them?
  • Am I focussed for my goals?
  • Am I moving in the right direction?

Add if you think anything can be added.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 4 Believe in Yourself



  • You are the one person with whom you will stay the longest
  • You deserve all the happiness in this world
  • You are god’s blessed child.
  • The solution to all the problems of your life lies within you
  • You have all the ability and skill required to get whatever you want to achieve.
  • There is immeasurable amount of talent, strength and power within you.
  • Nothing is impossible for you
  • If you will truly believe in yourself, you will be believed by others too. Actually, other’s belief won’t matter then.
  • You and only you can change your life.
  • You are unique.
  • You are worth it…J

What I believe in:

  • My Talent
  • My honesty in relationships
  • My sincerity in everything I do
  • My Family
  • My gut feel

Do you believe yourself?

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine