Day 8 Life’s Little Joys


The ones that makes you smile during a mundane days. The one that makes every toil, every struggle, and every unpleasant unwanted thing in your life fade away. It gives meaning to everything. It boosts energy in you. It calms you. It makes you feel, Life is actually good.

Cherish those. Enjoy those. Hold the person/thing/hobby close. That’s a blessing. That’s true living. Nothing else really matter. All these little joys will make the life worthwhile.  Those are the moments that you will remember, everything else will vanish. Those will stay.

For me, life little joys comes when

  • I see my husband first thing every morning, the calmness and honesty of his face make my day.
  • The smile in my nephew’s face when I come back from work every evening
  • My mum’s voice – The hello / Hanji Beta
  • My dad’s way of greeting me which have not changed a bit from last so many years-still thinks I am his little doll (which I am and will always be)
  • The blessing of my parent’s in laws when I greet them every morning
  • The childhood coming flushing back everytime I talk to my brothers.
  • Little drive me and my husband have while he drives me to my office, every day. Sometime we don’t even talk, still I truly look forward for those 20-25 mins every day.
  • When I see my husband coming back from work every day.
  • Hearing my favourite songs on radio.
  • A wonderful work done/executed/planned and delivered at work
  • When I am connected to myself

What about you?

Do share.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 7 Living fearlessly


Today I have just one quote to share that perfectly summarizes what I want to say

It’s an enlightening quote by Marianne Williamson is a spiritual activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance,

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

Lets be fearless. Lets live fully.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 6 Nothing is impossible


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Ralph Waldo

Really. Nothing is impossible. I truly believe in that. Whatever you want in life is within your capability. It’s just the matter of time, effort and perseverance.  Just make that target list and start working on the same.

  • Aim High
  • Refuse to complain and grumble
  • Do not worry
  • Do not fear
  • Work towards your goal everyday.
  • Work hard. Plan well. Utilize all your resources,
  • Work with the right attitude,
  • Do not be cowed down by defeat.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Never give up.
  • Hope for the best.
  • Never stop doing good.

Lets take a pledge

I am a winner against all odds.

I believe in myself and my potential.

I believe in doing my best.

I believe in the goodness of people around me.

I believe in the future, as much as I believe in the present and I am prepared for it.

Impossible is nothing!

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 5 Keep in touch with yourself


Life is constantly changing and we humans are forever vulnerable to these changes. One day you have everything, the second day, you may not.  Some days are good, inked forever in your memory. Some days you just want to erase from your life. Some people come to our life and change it for better. Some people come and you have never the Life is a chaos. It’s unpredictable. It’s changing every moment. In all of this, let’s not lose touch. With our own self.

Let’s take out time from our ever busy life and rethink on where it is going.

Lets think

  • What kind of a person I am currently?
  • What kind of a person I want to be?
  • Where am I right now? Personally? Professionally? Emotionally?
  • Where do I want to be? Personally? Professionally? Emotionally?
  • What are my dominant feelings currently?
  • Why?
  • Am I Happy?
  • Am I at peace?
  • How are people around me doing? My family? My Friends? My co-workers?
  • What can I do for them?
  • What do I want from them?
  • Am I focussed for my goals?
  • Am I moving in the right direction?

Add if you think anything can be added.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 4 Believe in Yourself



  • You are the one person with whom you will stay the longest
  • You deserve all the happiness in this world
  • You are god’s blessed child.
  • The solution to all the problems of your life lies within you
  • You have all the ability and skill required to get whatever you want to achieve.
  • There is immeasurable amount of talent, strength and power within you.
  • Nothing is impossible for you
  • If you will truly believe in yourself, you will be believed by others too. Actually, other’s belief won’t matter then.
  • You and only you can change your life.
  • You are unique.
  • You are worth it…J

What I believe in:

  • My Talent
  • My honesty in relationships
  • My sincerity in everything I do
  • My Family
  • My gut feel

Do you believe yourself?

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 3 Life is reflection


Life is like a mirror. Like a mirror what you put in front of it, you get back. You put good, you get good. You put bad, you get bad. You put confidence, you get confidence. You out doubt, you get that doubt back. It truly is like a boomerang. What goes around comes around.

So next time, you want to be happy, just be happy. You want confidence, you feel confident. You want good, be sure you do good.

Feel positive what nothing bad will come to you, if you have not done any bad. Just wait for the reflection to come. It may be hazy right now, but it will soon be clear and you will get what you deserve. Believe me. It is true.

What reflections I am looking for:

  • Happy; Therefore I will be happy and keep everyone around me happy
  • Confidence: Therefore I will feel confidence and not look for anyone else’s approval and consensus for that
  • Peaceful: Therefore I will be calm and not be restless.
  • Organised: Therefore I will prioritize and focus on whats important.

What reflection do you want??

Do share.

Lots of Love

Little Sunshine

Day 2 Acceptance


The first thing that came into my mind while I started writing this post was a line I have somewhere read few years back, It’s a prayer to God to give strength to accept what one cannot change and change what one is not is not able to accept. Such a simple line, but if one is able to do that, life will be so simple and fulfilling.

Accept what one cannot change:

As my grand mum always use to say, there will always be better things available but one need to accept what you have. But we humans are so busy running, doing, accomplishing, wanting, aspiring, ranting, complaining, competing, that we simply forget to be ‘be’. Aren’t we human “beings”. We are just supposed to be, go with the flow and be happy. Accepting ones surrounding, situation, limitation, strengths, weaknesses is the first step of achieving that state of mind. Acceptance gives solace, strength peace and strength to move ahead. It helps you get ahead and going.

Change what one cannot accept:

There can be a lot of things around which is nearly impossible for the person to accept. Don’t keep it lingering, Change it. May be not everything in one day, but at least take the first step. You will be shown the next step and the one next to it. The solution and problem is both within you. Believe and act.

Let me start.

Things I need to accept what I cannot change:

  • My personal life choices
  • Few relatives
  • My limitations at work

Things I need to change what I cannot accept:

  • My salary at work
  • My current health situation
  • My current emotional weakness

What about you??

Do tell me.

Lots of Love

Little sunshine

Day 1: Love


Much has been written/said/claimed about this little word.

Love – is everywhere. Love is what one sees in parent’s eyes, love is there is in the fights with your sibling. Love is the smile on your face when you see your husband sleeping blissfully when you get up. And that smile that your little one gives when you are back from work. Love is the hands of an old couple held together while crossing the road. Love is in the hooting of the fan when he/she sees favourite star. Or in the tears of joy of the sports fan when India wins the match. New age love is in the status and the profile pictures, the tags and the shares.

Love is indeed everywhere.

One just has to feel it.

So what/whom do you love?

Let me start

I love:

  • My Parents, my husband, my brothers.
  • All the kids in this world (and in other planets, if there are any J )
  • Nature
  • Chocolates
  • Travel

Lots of Love

Little sunshine

I Pledge



So I am back again.

Now since I have taken that step, thinking of stretching a bit further.

I take a pledge of writing on this lovely blog of mine every single day for the next 30 days.

After exactly 30 days, it’s my birthday. That’s my gift to myself. That’s my commitment to myself. I am gifting myself a well written blog on this birthday.

Happy Birthday to me in advance. J

Let’s make it more interesting. Since my whole idea of creating this blog was to discover myself, I am giving this blogging spree a theme.

I will take one thing/emotion/aspiration/dream/complaint/anything that concerns me and write about it.

It’s going to be quite an insight to myself.

I would love to know more about me.

I am excited to finally meet me.

Lots of Love

Litle sunshine

Lets get started


Hello there,

How much time it takes to take that one step. That one thing that you have been on your mind from a long time. That one thing you want to do, but you are not doing. That every single day comes to your mind but somehow never gets acted upon. That one thing that you think of every night and regret not doing. Let’s do that one thing today.

Let’s just do it.

I just did.

I am right now amidst a very busy day at work with so many team members hovering upon, mails pinging in and meeting requests popping. But it took only few minutes for me to open this little virtual writing paradise of mine. I too have been thinking about the same from a very long time now. But today I acted on it.

Here it is. I did it.

Now its your turn.

Do that thing. It isn’t that difficult after all. Believe me.

Lots of Love

Little sunshine