Lets get started


Hello there,

How much time it takes to take that one step. That one thing that you have been on your mind from a long time. That one thing you want to do, but you are not doing. That every single day comes to your mind but somehow never gets acted upon. That one thing that you think of every night and regret not doing. Let’s do that one thing today.

Let’s just do it.

I just did.

I am right now amidst a very busy day at work with so many team members hovering upon, mails pinging in and meeting requests popping. But it took only few minutes for me to open this little virtual writing paradise of mine. I too have been thinking about the same from a very long time now. But today I acted on it.

Here it is. I did it.

Now its your turn.

Do that thing. It isn’t that difficult after all. Believe me.

Lots of Love

Little sunshine

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