I am Back…:)

I am back…Ji-am-back

Almost forgot the name of my own blog.

When I finally landed on the home page, I saw the date on the last blog post.

June 5th. 2015 . Last year.

Gosh, more than one year since I wrote anything. And now when I am, I am in a completely different world. Lots and lots of changes. One roller-coaster of a ride it had been. It all lasted around the same time when the last blog was written. It won’t be wrong if I say this have been the most different year that I have lived the most in my 30 years stint with life. The most special, for sure.

I am an upgraded version of myself right now. Little sunshine Version 1.2. Upgraded with lots of strength, energy, grit and determination. Updated with new priorities, better perspective and focussed approach towards life. Filled with lots of love and care. Now with loads of patience for few things and a lot less patience for few others. Renewed multi-tasking abilities with a much much longer list of to-do’s.

Phewwww….. Never realised the amount of change I have gone through on last one year. May be because this time, everything was effortless. It came to me flowing, without any force- external or internal.

Anyways, since I am brimming with my new found wisdom, I guess I will be more regular with the posts here.

As it works for me, I need write it to understand it better.

Hopefully I am able to do that.

Wish me luck J


Lots of Love

Little Sunshine.




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