Stop Overthinking


The above title is for myself.

Yes, as direct as it can be.  I need to stop overthinking. There I said it, We. Yes, my dears, I am  the victim or victimiser of this monster. I am the martyr and the murderer of this sin.

Victim because I get in the loops of thinking, overthinking, analysing, over analysis, thinking of alternate options, over thinking the alternatives, feeling for each of them, feeling for myself, feeling for the others in the “plot”, feeling bad, depressed, frustrated, confused…blahh blaahh blaaahhhhh bbbllllllllaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I guess, rest is pretty clear. Sometimes I even loose the track of the originating thought/situation/remark/action.

Victimiser because then the sweet aroma of my thinking churning reaches the core of people around me. The reactions of the thinking and the continuing cycle of analysis and …..What not start coming of my words and actions. The overthinking makes me phase out from the current situation, thus all the good things happening around, good or small, is lost. The analysis and the over doing of it make it even eviler. The frustration and confusion makes me say things or do stuff which a sane person should not be doing. What’s make it even worse is the people or the things that gets affected the most are the closest and the most non deserving.


Anyways after having one such pretty session of overflowing thinking juices and the subsequent “not so pleasant” aftermaths, I come to realise the following:

  • You really can’t keep on getting into the things you can’t control.
  • With a sane mind, it is very much possible to pick-out things that can be controlled and to start doing something about them.
  • It is exhausting – mentally and physically
  • Nothing is worth the damage it causes
  • In this trap, one loses the track of the good things happening around
  • Let’s not test the patience of the non-deserving victims of your creative “thinking”
  • It’s quite a waste of time and energy.

Here what my action points to combat this evil habit.

  1. Control it

Stop being the victim, take control of your situation. Take control. Take charge. Stop expecting. Stop making yourself feel anything less than a shining star. Sometimes things happen your way, think of it happening god’s way. Its better.


  1. Escape it

Whenever you feel you are falling in the trap again, escape it. Go for a walk, go to another room. Talk to some body else about something completely different. Listen to music. Sing. Dance. Laugh. Read. Go to washroom. (That’s my way. Apparently research have shown a person is completely relaxed while in washroom since you are completely alone and hence completely yourself)


  1. Flush it out.

Take it out of your system. Call your best friend, mother, husband or who ever you can talk to. Tell them about the situation. Juts tell them, don’t analyse, blame or try to fix it. Just talk about it. Better, try to laugh about it. Flush it, flush it hard out of your system. Ahhh…feel light.


  1. Dismiss it

Think of your priorities, your ambitions, your vision. Make it look insignificant in your journey. Go for higher aims and dismiss it as a stupid small thing that doesn’t have any effect on you. And it will actually not.


  1. Accept it

This is for things that are out of your control. Accept it and move on. Yes, please move on, Move to the next concern that you need to take care of. Few things can be left unresolved. World will not sink because of them. Move on. Move ahead. Let it be.


Wish me luck. J


Lots of Sunshine


Little Sunshine.

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